Thursday, January 26, 2012

Can anyone please tell why it takes Congress so long to pass health care legislation?

Any sensible knows our health care system is a total disgrace to civilization.

Why is there any opposition?

This should be a lay-up.Can anyone please tell why it takes Congress so long to pass health care legislation?Because they are trying to shove the bill through when most of us don't want itCan anyone please tell why it takes Congress so long to pass health care legislation?
Well the pointless Death Panel discussions went on far too long then they needed.Can anyone please tell why it takes Congress so long to pass health care legislation?Because the Democats are more concerned with political infighting than they do about helping the people.

The Democrats are in self-inflicted gridlock.

They can not accomplish anything, even though they have a solid majority and they control Congress.

The Democrats are melting down like the GOP did 8 years ago.
Because it's a TERRIBLE idea.

It's an abomination of a bill.

It looks like the last remaining Senators are being bought as we speak, so it should be soon.

The Government controlling health care is a bad idea.

You think it's expensive now, wait till the Government gets hold of it.

This is not something that the American people want, but something that the Government wants.

Make no mistake about it. They're ignoring the public

This is not about providing affordable health care, but about Government control. Wake the "F" up!!!

And NO, it's not the Republicans. In case you haven't been paying attention, this can pass without 1 Republican vote. It's Democrats holding it up, and for good reason

They will be voted out of office after votiing for it, so the buying of their votes must be pretty expensive; but hey, it's YOUR money they're usingCan anyone please tell why it takes Congress so long to pass health care legislation?'publicans.Can anyone please tell why it takes Congress so long to pass health care legislation?
I think you, like congress, has underestimated how much Americans care about upending 1/6th of our economy on crapass and half thought through ideas.
civil debate is part of our country's history ... it makes us stronger in the end my friend

be thankful that we can dissent .. many countries shoot you in the back of the head for far lessCan anyone please tell why it takes Congress so long to pass health care legislation?
the health care bill isn't going to pass that is why it is taking so long
Congress is a bunch of corporate-owned wimps. Corporations should be forbidden from giving any single cent to any political campaign. Then they wouldn't own our politicians.
So you would rather have WORSE just to say.. change...typical liberal...jump in head first without knowing the consequences...
Government ruins health care... Government should take it over completely!

Nice logic liberals
Because they have their pockets stuffed with lobbiest money and are too concerned about money for re-election. Campaign finance reform and term limits would help, but I wouldn't expect the career politicians with cash-stuffed pockets to vote themselves out of a job.
The opposition to the most worthwhile portions of the bills, such as the public option, has been intense. There are quite a few conservative Democrats who are delaying passage of this legislation. You are correct that there shouldn't have been any real opposition but unfortunately that is not the reality. The insurance industry in this country is powerful and their lobbying efforts are extremely well-funded.
It is all a "You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" society. It is all the extra pork put in these bills.Everyone wants something for nothing and life doesn't work that way.Somebody has to pay for all this "freebie stuff". That is the middle class working people. They are not working "for the people" just themselves, President included.

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