Thursday, January 26, 2012

Can we give Barney Frank credit for at least knowing what's in important legislation?

In his Townhall yesterday, protesters said the health care bill would insure illegal aliens, Frank said no it didn't, the protesters yelled "Read the Bill." Barney Frank then did read the section pointing out that illegals won't be covered.

Frank is a great legislator, even if I disagree with what he's doing most of the time.Can we give Barney Frank credit for at least knowing what's in important legislation?He is standing up to these bullies, thank goodness. Just because you yell something loudly, doesn't make it true. They are just trying to shout this bill down, they have no idea what it's about as they haven't even read it.

And I don't think they even know what Nazi means. How funny is it that they accused a gay Jewish congressman of supporting a Nazi policy? It seems they can't read, whether it's a healthcare bill or a history book.Can we give Barney Frank credit for at least knowing what's in important legislation?
Oh, there should be no doubt Barney is a very smart man. He was able to convince others to continue investing in toxic assets, collect millions in the interim in direct conflict with such statements from Fannie Mae, turn around later and blame the Republicans without taking any responsibility for his own part and then come out swinging arrogantly in true Liberal Fashion to see brainwashed idiots still supporting him. Kinda reminds me of someone. Hum, hum, oh ya, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chris Dodd, Barbara Boxer, Charlie Rangel and several other two faced Dumbcrats including The Rock Star Abomination.Can we give Barney Frank credit for at least knowing what's in important legislation?He is the chair of the House Financial Services Committee, and was when AIG "needed" billions of tax dollars because nobody else would give it to them. Why didn't he read that bill back then? Or does he not read bills that have to do with financial services, only those that have to do with health care?
Which bill? Which of the 4 known legislation's?

Because some do and some don`t. It is being written as we sit here and Dems are talking about bills no one has seen. It shuts down debate because only one side knows what alone their people have just written.

Barney Frank is smart I`ll give him that.Can we give Barney Frank credit for at least knowing what's in important legislation?God bless Barney Frank - finally, a Congressman with the guts to look insanity in the eye and call it.

I will contribute to his reelection campaign.Can we give Barney Frank credit for at least knowing what's in important legislation?
I give Barney NO credit. He works for us, we are HIS employer yet he persist in treating ANY citizen, his boss, like dirt if they disagree or question him in any manner.
Let me guess you think Pelosi is doing a good job too, and every other lib in congress.Can we give Barney Frank credit for at least knowing what's in important legislation?
Yes, at least he didn't bow down to nonsense.
Who supplies your Thai Stick. I need some for a cancer victim.
i would not and could not give that guy credit for anything.
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