Monday, January 30, 2012

How do you feel about president Obama attempting to pass legislation giving him control of the internet?鈥?/a>

As explained in the article above, Obama is working to pass a bill giving the president emergency powers to take control of the internet allowing him to restrict, and deny internet usage during a declared "cyberemergency" even on private sector computers. how do you feel about this?How do you feel about president Obama attempting to pass legislation giving him control of the internet?I feel like the Right is is silly over this legislation as they have been on most things in the past 9 months.How do you feel about president Obama attempting to pass legislation giving him control of the internet?
I think he is already exercising his control without any legislation to back it up. Just another to add to a long list of reasons to remove his butt from office.How do you feel about president Obama attempting to pass legislation giving him control of the internet?Since Al Gore invented it BO should get him involved again.
Seems like yet another of his attempted power grabs. Kim Jong Il would be proud.How do you feel about president Obama attempting to pass legislation giving him control of the internet?Card Check--failed

Cap n trade--failed

single payer--failed

close Gitmo--failed

public option--failed

The loser has no leadership ability. His approval ratings have dropped to record lows at a record pace, He hasn't pass any of his socialist agenda. Why worry nowHow do you feel about president Obama attempting to pass legislation giving him control of the internet?
Just as the article states, the bill was introduced by two Republicans after the 9-11 attacks. If our infrastructure is vulnerable to a major threat just as the article states, then I'm good with the idea and I'm good with the President signing it into law.
Hey this is the change America wanted....How do you feel about president Obama attempting to pass legislation giving him control of the internet?
a violation of my rights. which ones I don't know, but sounds like some kind of civil right violation. I'm gonna jam the airwaves if he does that. I got one of those 180kW radar generator things cheap off eBay, if I can't talk to my friends online then I'm gonna flood the air with me talking to my friend about some totally pointless stuff. Then Obama's gonna have to rescind his order since no one else can use the air for anything else.

(I'm not good with radio stuff, I figure a 180kW transmitter is likely to flood the air with useless static on every band except the one I'm using)

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