Monday, January 30, 2012

Why isnt there legislation for things like adhd and depression and bipolar?

there is legislation for work related things like maternity leave, workers compensation, and sick days, but there is no leghislation for mental illnesses like ADHD (which i have so watch what you say about it), bipolar disorder, depression, ect.

there should be some help to those who have these and have a hard time working. it is hard for me in college to get by with adhd also. there should be mental disability legislationWhy isnt there legislation for things like adhd and depression and bipolar?There is.... it is the Americans with Disabilities Act which allows sick leave for medical or MENTAL disabilities... however, having a disorder does not mean you should get special treatment... it means that you need to learn to live with your disability and taylor your life to things that you can succeed at.... There is also permanent disability that is available to anyone who can not work due to a disability, that includes mental disabilities but you have to be unable to work to get it.Why isnt there legislation for things like adhd and depression and bipolar?I think you and those with those things (I have two that have not being able to finish college) should get together and go to Washington and lobby for that. The squeaky wheel gets the oil. Let me know. I will give you my email. I am Almaciga, look at my profile.Why isnt there legislation for things like adhd and depression and bipolar?Look into the ADA.

You should speak to a lawyer!

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