Monday, January 23, 2012

How could any responsible government Official vote on legislation that that thy have not read?

How could our government officials vote for this ball out leave thing alone thy are going to make things worse than thy already are.How could any responsible government Official vote on legislation that that thy have not read?By not reading this bill before voting for mortgaging our country's future, each and every one of them are derelict in their duty and should be tried for treason.How could any responsible government Official vote on legislation that that thy have not read?
None of the legislators read the Patriot Act either, and still today you can be imprisoned almost indefinitely without a charge.

But look at the amount of stuff they are expected to read in a year, and you will discover you could build a small house with 8-1/2 inch thick walls from the mound of paper with a bit of glue.

A few people did read it and gave their analyses, which were often distorted by their own ideologies. What is important is that the bill helps generate economic activity, and lots of people out of work may find another job to bridge the gap to stability.How could any responsible government Official vote on legislation that that thy have not read?We have no idea what is in that thing. Regardless of party affiliation we should all be very wary of the things to come.

It is time for the feds to take a step back.

Join us.…

It is time to put down our personnel social issues and make the federal government perform it's designed roll. We must take more burden on ourselves state by state.

We can no longer toil over using the federal government to mandate singular ways of life onto the plurality of this whole nation, and start using it for what it was designed to do.
I'm willing to bet the majority of bills passed are not read. Maybe they hand out little cliff notes on each bill.

Ridiculous.How could any responsible government Official vote on legislation that that thy have not read?All they did was a quick check of the Table of Contents to make sure their pork and earmarks were in there and then went home for a Bourbon.How could any responsible government Official vote on legislation that that thy have not read?
Yet they keep getting voted back into office. As long as they keep getting a paycheck they could care less about you and I.
Peer pressure and because the top guys says so.How could any responsible government Official vote on legislation that that thy have not read?
This is just one of those republican half truths that they want you to buy. Committees working for an individual read a part of the bill then talk about its contents. So the half truth is that not one person reads it but many people read it. This is so dumb. I can't believe republicans are selling people on this junk.
  • carolina skiff
  • pearson prentice hall
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