Friday, January 20, 2012

What sort of vile legislation do you suppose the congress dems. are cooking up for their lame duck session?

It boggles the mind considering what they have already done , doesn't it?What sort of vile legislation do you suppose the congress dems. are cooking up for their lame duck session?More socialismWhat sort of vile legislation do you suppose the congress dems. are cooking up for their lame duck session?
Whatever it is, it will not be of benefit to all citizens but it will benefit our political masters and their minions who seek the demise of our country in order to become part of the global experience. It will be craftily put together so that we cannot understand what is hidden in it. Martin Luther King, Jr. probably was thinking of corrupt political regimes when he wrote "He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it." We should remember that when we place our votes for the mid term elections.What sort of vile legislation do you suppose the congress dems. are cooking up for their lame duck session?They got a few on the back burner. Card check, they want to but a kill button on the internet. They want to force Conservative radio stations to give equal air time to liberals who do not have enough listeners to pay for the DJ's cup of coffee. These dems are real dirty, they have two whole months plus... they can do a lot of damage.

tax hikes, more federal departments and more czars ruining more lives. passing unemployment extensions and letting tax cuts expire!

basically doing what they can to get more and more federal power over your freedom!What sort of vile legislation do you suppose the congress dems. are cooking up for their lame duck session?According to the leadership they have a large package of legislation ready that's designed to paralyze America and empower hostile foreign powers.What sort of vile legislation do you suppose the congress dems. are cooking up for their lame duck session?
Probably more health care for 9/11 first responders like they passed a few weeks back. What a bunch of radical socialists, huh?
To Billy Joel's 'Honesty' music:

Amnesty ... its all I ever heard ... and mostly what I need from you (to become a legal voter).What sort of vile legislation do you suppose the congress dems. are cooking up for their lame duck session?
Slash and burn. Think of Saddam Hussein as he left Kuait.
A bunch of Communist Stuff.
November is coming......hang tough
Well I could pass on knowing but I am sure we will find out soon enough.
The Democrats will pass a law naming you Yahoo Answers Troll Czar!

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