Monday, January 23, 2012

Who here can state with confidence that they understand the health care legislation?

If you can, have you read the bill in its entirety?Who here can state with confidence that they understand the health care legislation?I understand the bill and have read it. It took me about a week but I plugged through it.Who here can state with confidence that they understand the health care legislation?
Not possible since the Dem bulbs won't allow us to see it first.Who here can state with confidence that they understand the health care legislation?No one can. It is still taking shape. We won't know what the final product is until something is passed and then it will be too late, just the way liberals like it..Who here can state with confidence that they understand the health care legislation?
Dirty Harry Reid has the ONLY copy of the Senate legislation in a LOCK BOX... even the dem leaders haven't seen it... NO ONE has read it... Including Reid...Who here can state with confidence that they understand the health care legislation?I understand that the insurance companies have enough money to stop any meaningful reform and they will continue to do so.Who here can state with confidence that they understand the health care legislation?
Sort of hard to read it when Harry Reid will not release it for people to see. But still wants a vote on it!
Harry has it locked away so we won't see who got paid off with stimulus money or what AARP really got in return for selling off the elderly. Any "version" you read is speculation about what they SAY is in it and what is not... in other words: LIES. Proof, you say? Wasn't ABORTION (according to Obama before Congress) "not to be included in the final draft" and yet THERE IT IS. How about those "Death Panels"? They say "preposterous!" and yet look up "The Complete Lives System" (written by Dr. Ezekiel Emmanuel, brother to Rahm, who helped draft the bill) out... It is all a LIE to redistribute the wealth (to them not the doctors or insurance companies) and to increase the role of government through legislation (B. Frank). Try this on for common-sense: What's the hurry? Oh, that's right, to solve the "crisis" (once again a "crisis"!) of those "thousands and thousands" of those "suffering"! OKAY: if there are "thousands and thousands" of uninsured put out "on the streets" due to medical insurance, why hasn't there been ONE SPOKESMAN that the DNC has trotted out to say how they "suffered"; it's done only in the hypothetical world as they discribe it! Again, if it is a bill "for the People", then how could any perception of "reform" be true when there is no mention of "TORT REFORM" while the DNC is suckling off the trial lawyer lobbyist teats? There is NO REFORM in this bill except the one of "who gets the money"... Finally, if the bill is "so good", why can't anyone see it, why isn't the bill writing broadcast on "C-SPAN" (as Obama promised)... why so much secrecy involved? Because it is a LIE.

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