I get answers like "Tax Code says so.", "there are people in jail", "don't pay and you will get arrested" ect... But is the tax code really legal, (constitutionally ratified)? I can't find the actual proof that the 16th amendment was indeed ratified, there was a declaration that it was, however some states that didn't submit a vote, were actually counted as ratified. Was the 16th Ammendment actually ratified, and if so what legislation inforces it?The ratification process left a great many questions, since several of the states violated thier own laws in ratifying it. Once it was declared ratified, Congress had the power to tax income, but the laws they actually passed did not have that effect. Instead the IRS used statutes that it had written, purportedly to enforce a law that in reality didn't exist.
The whole thing is a sham, but as you have already been told, you can be put in jail for not paying the Federal Mafia the cut they demand whenever money changes hands.Was the 16th Ammendment actually ratified, and if so what legislation inforces it?No, do some more research. It was legally ratified. There are a number of laws authorizing the payment of income tax.
But really, go ahead and test it yourself. That's how all laws need to be affirmed. Try disobeying the law, and the IRS will happily take you to court. There, you can argue for proof of ratification if you'd like.
Good luck
Was the 16th Ammendment actually ratified, and if so what legislation inforces it?Quit believing all this stupid conspiracy theory nonsense you hear. What actual proof are you looking for? An affidavit from God?
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