Saturday, February 18, 2012

Do you think that legislation encouraging teachers to "teach to a test" effects critical thinking in students?

Facts are easily measured by a standardized test, but what about critical thinking skills?Do you think that legislation encouraging teachers to "teach to a test" effects critical thinking in students?Rarely is critical thinking even appreciated at College level. Name, Dates, %26amp; Places is easy to be taught by rout, but when was the last or even the 1st time you saw on a test "What difference did the information/example just given make in your own life?"

Grading Names, Dates, %26amp; Places is also easy for a lazy instructor.Do you think that legislation encouraging teachers to "teach to a test" effects critical thinking in students?
no. Being able to answer a multiple-choice question doesn't show any ability to reason. Teaching to the test is a plague on our education.Do you think that legislation encouraging teachers to "teach to a test" effects critical thinking in students?There are tests to measure critical thinking skills.

However, it's not politically correct to teach children to think. It's better to make them memorize a series of useless facts so they fall for nonsense like creationism and trickle down economics.
politicians come up with the stupid test and requirements to try and stunt the students knowledge and ability to thinkDo you think that legislation encouraging teachers to "teach to a test" effects critical thinking in students?"No Child Left Behind" sucks. Teachers spend the first half of the school year teaching a test. They don't have time to teach spelling or any other fundamental of learning. The former administration literally "left our children behind" with this little piece of legislation.Do you think that legislation encouraging teachers to "teach to a test" effects critical thinking in students?
Critical thinking comes after the sift out the idiots who can't learn the material. They call it college.
yes i doDo you think that legislation encouraging teachers to "teach to a test" effects critical thinking in students?
It's one of Bush's crazy ideas. The purpose was to tamp down creativity and out of the box thinking in order to control both students and teachers. The next step was to discharge those teachers whose students' scored low on the tests, and in addition to close down those schools whose student test scores were low.

The correct solution was to develop new programming, but Bush essentially did not provide adequate funding, because education was not one of his major concerns

Hope this helps

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