Saturday, February 18, 2012

Is the American system of legislation being eroded by only having two parties?

Both parties, Republican and Democratic, are the only two major parties in todays political system. Are we allowing them to degredade our system of governing. This is susposed to be a system of the people and by the people. Most politicians in the big arena have millions of dollars, yet most of americans don't. Should there be a working class party?

Don't get me confused, I am not suggesting Ron Paul?Is the American system of legislation being eroded by only having two parties?They two party system has worked in the past, but now with this current administration it has been broken. The only way to fix this problem is to introduce a four party system. This way there is balance because no one side controls the congress or the house. They have to actually debate the issues not pat each others back by passing bills that are full of ear marks and pork belly spending.Is the American system of legislation being eroded by only having two parties?The two party systems have created Corporate US Government. Bush is the President of this Corporate US Government. The Agencies of this Corporate US Government are sub-corporations. Our Republic is not represented by this Corporate US Government but it is controlled by this Corporate US Government. This Corporate US Government is based on commerce. The Corporate US Government Department of Justice does not administer law based on Constitutional law. The Corporate US Government Department of Justice administers law based on ADMIRALTY LAW (commerce). We the People, need to take back our Republic so that the voice of the People can control their own Government. The American Public must be educated and wake up to these facts as they exist.Is the American system of legislation being eroded by only having two parties?No its being erodded by liberal judges making laws form the bench, instead of following the laws congress makes.Is the American system of legislation being eroded by only having two parties?
It would be nice to have an Independent Minority in the House to keep both parties in Check.

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