Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Should any politician who pushes for legislation that does nothing but waste money on pet projects be removed?

I don't care what party it is that politician needs to go. There should no tolerance for someone who abuses taxpayers money like that. Agree?Should any politician who pushes for legislation that does nothing but waste money on pet projects be removed?Probably not. We would have to remove every Senator and every Congressman and Congresswoman then.Should any politician who pushes for legislation that does nothing but waste money on pet projects be removed?
A major problem is when these bills are brought up they are often given to our representatives on the day they are supposed to vote on them. And they are as thick as phone books so they can't possibly have enough time to even skim through all the material they contain. This is all done on purpose so the special interests groups can get their way. But yes any politician who supports most of these bills and tries to push them through should not only be removed from office but they should be put on trial for treason and tyranny against the American people.Should any politician who pushes for legislation that does nothing but waste money on pet projects be removed?i agree and i remember you asking this way back when the republikans controlled the congress and rubber stamped everything boy george wanted. I remember you saying the same thing back then, about how we should throw these money wasters out of office, and we did.

i'm just sad you didn't run. America needs more people like you.
That description applies to all politicians. People like it when their congressman does it but hate it when any other congressman does it. We need to get of earmarks because that is what allows such nonsense to happen.Should any politician who pushes for legislation that does nothing but waste money on pet projects be removed?Under the Constitution, only Congress can declare war. I want a president who goes to war without Congress's approval removed/impeached.Should any politician who pushes for legislation that does nothing but waste money on pet projects be removed?
I'm Pretty sure that not ALL the money is going towards pet projects,

But as long as you have Public Education, Public Roads, and Police Protection.. Who cares?
Good idea. Only problem I see with it is that if your plan were implemented, there would be nobody left in congress or the white house.Should any politician who pushes for legislation that does nothing but waste money on pet projects be removed?
There's a pretty simple way to remove legislators in the US: convince their constituents to vote for someone else.
Terrific idea but unenforceable
Yeah, but you aren't ever going to get that one through Congress.
what u talking about u name stealer?

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