Saturday, February 18, 2012

Shouldn't Nancy Pelosi be punished for stopping ALL legislation while trying to make Bush look worse?

Come on, everybody knows she is SITTING on her as* and making Congress sit on it's as* while the election unfolds.

The democrats say they will punish Liberman; but shouldn't Pelosi be punished for STOPPING Congress while the election unfolds? She is punishing America!

How is that HOPE %26amp; CHANGE?Shouldn't Nancy Pelosi be punished for stopping ALL legislation while trying to make Bush look worse?Palin should take Nancy up to Alaska, put her on an ice flow and wave bye bye

McCain Palin

Experience we needShouldn't Nancy Pelosi be punished for stopping ALL legislation while trying to make Bush look worse?
Actually your so-called 'question' is so full of lies that it's hard to take it seriously.

Because legislation has gone through and passed in the house while Polosi has been Speaker your first major lie is obvious. She couldn't have stopped ALL legislation because it hasn't been stopped. Not even most of it has been stopped.

All lies supporting the original lie are lies by default. It's like McCain lying about the jet sold on E-Bay for a profit when the jet was never sold on E-Bay and when it was sold it was sold for a loss.Shouldn't Nancy Pelosi be punished for stopping ALL legislation while trying to make Bush look worse?Sure -- if the Republicans are punished at the same time for the record number of filibusters they used to stop any legislation proposed by any Democrat.

I would support expulsion from the Senate and withdrawing their service pay for any Republican who was involved in the ongoing filibusters -- and stiff prison sentences on a remote island.
Are you saying Nothing has been done? LMAO

1. Ethics reform. Before leaving town for the traditional August recess (or "district work period" as Congress always calls it), they did pass what Common Cause calls the most far-reaching ethics and lobby reform since Watergate. So while there is impatience and disappointment in Congress from many on the left, not everyone on the left feels that way. Also touting the ethics reform is Public Citizen, founded by Ralph Nader. Having worked on the Hill, I think Washington will always be Washington, and we've had complaints about elected officials' ethics since Washington himself. That won't change. But the bill does expand lobbyist disclosure of megacontributions from different sources that lobbyists bundle together, requires disclosure of who in Congress has inserted specific earmarks into appropriation bills, bans access of Senators-turned-lobbyists to the Senate gym, increases the amount of time elected and other officials must wait after leaving their job before they can lobby, and denies Senators and Representatives their pension if convicted of a felony. The legislation has been sent to President Bush.

2. Raised the minimum wage. This is the accomplishment you've probably heard touted the most by Democrats. The minimum wage is going to $7.25/hr. from $5.15 over the course of three years. The minimum wage hadn't been raised in a decade, the longest period the minimum wage has ever gone without being increased since it was enacted during the Great Depression. The President signed this.

3. Voted to raise fuel economy standards for the first time in 30 years as part of a comprehensive energy bill. The House and Senate have passed different versions of energy bills, and the differences must still be worked out through a conference committee. The Senate voted to raise Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards, which if passed into law, would be the first time Congress has increased CAFE standards since the 1970's. Cars would go from 27.5 mpg currently to 35 mpg over time. The energy bill in the House requires all investor-owned utilities to produce 15% of their energy from renewable sources by 2020 (wind, solar, etc.). The bills also repeal some of the tax favors that went to big energy interests in 2005.

4. Restored fiscal responsibility by bringing back Pay-As-You-Go. Congress used to have rules called Pay-As-You-Go, or PAYGO, meaning that any tax cut or spending increase had to be paid for somewhere else in the budget. The Republican Congress allowed this to expire. The Democrats have brought it back. And all the new spending initiatives the Democrats have proposed are paid for either through cuts in other places or closing tax loopholes. Since our government owes $9 trillion (the national debt), or about $30,000 for each man, woman, and child in the U.S., I consider this change to be one of the most important things the new Congress has done.

5. Increased student financial aid. Pell Grants have been stuck at the same level the past six years, in spite of skyrocketing tuition at most universities. The House and Senate have passed the Higher Education Access Act, that would not only increase Pell Grants, but provides one of the biggest increases in student financial aid since the GI Bill. The House and Senate are working out their differences in a conference committee, so this has not been sent to the President for his signature yet. It may face a veto since it pays for this by cutting payments to college loan lenders.

6. Implemented the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission. This bill has been sent to the President.

7. Expanded health insurance for uninsured children. The House and Senate have passed differing bills to expand the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), which in Arizona is known as KidsCare. Since its creation, KidsCare has reduced the percentage of Arizona kids without health insurance from 25% to 15%.

8. Iraq and Immigration. These are the two areas where Congress has not accomplished even minor change, and these are two of the biggest issues in America. I will skip immigration and leave a final note on Iraq. Congress did send President Bush a bill with a timeline requiring U.S. troops to leave Iraq, but it was vetoed.

What has Bush Let get through this year?Shouldn't Nancy Pelosi be punished for stopping ALL legislation while trying to make Bush look worse?IDK. Is it legal to punish someone because they are stupid? Why does San Francisco want to punish the country by voting for legally incompetent fools for office? Why does the majority of Democrats in the House of Rep. make the same incompetent fool speaker?

Some questions just have no answers. But I do think the Republicans should take a page from the Democratic play book and begin an investigation of her. Then have her impeached. Dingy Harry Reid too!

McCain/Palin '08Shouldn't Nancy Pelosi be punished for stopping ALL legislation while trying to make Bush look worse?
yes! she ignores the people she is supposed to listen to. she is arrogant and she is ignorant .70% of Americans want something done about getting ourselves out of this energy crisis while the democrats in congress talk about rivers in Vermont. i don't know why the democrats put up with her? if this is the party that wants to run the country then we sure don't need them.
Yes, but do you think the people in her district are going to vote her out?

I doubt it, too.

The best way to punish her is to strip her of her 'queen bee' title by the Americans voting Democrats out of the House majority!Shouldn't Nancy Pelosi be punished for stopping ALL legislation while trying to make Bush look worse?
Yes, I think so. BTW - Filibustering is an old and respected tactic used in Congress since it's inception. Simply not playing when you know you are going to lose, is not.
Yeah, Bush is too easy a target hes already half in the bag. Keeping any more BUSHISMs from becoming law is reason to applaud.

Keep up the good work Nancy.
Pelosi is a complete idiot, and the democrats should be ashamed that she represents them.
Nazi Pelosi should be kicked out of office for not doing her job! Unfortunately, the dweebs in San Fransisco love her
Thank God somebody is providing adult supervision for Bush.
yes - she should be - the people who elected her should not REELECT her that is how she should be punished.
Pelosi is the worst thing to happen to America since Obama.
yes she should be sent packing! and the democrat congress' approval rating is WHAT?? like 20%? But it's all Bush's fault... of course!
Yes--but unfortunately the Democratic party rewards incompetence.
Is Nancy Pelosi running for office???
yes we need to set up another government branch that gets rid of Politicians since they would never impeach themselves
I am not a Bush fan by a long shot but Pelosi should get the boot.
maybe for violating the Logan Act
Democrat policy at work
pelousy sucks, she hopes for the worst for our country

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