Sunday, February 12, 2012

Why in the world are Republicans fillibustering this Wall Street Reform legislation?

This is outrageous! What say you?Why in the world are Republicans fillibustering this Wall Street Reform legislation?Because - unlike liberals - we bothered to read what was in the bill.

Why should we support a bill that was essentiall written by the big banks in order to force the smaller banks to subsidize their irresponsible practices?

.Why in the world are Republicans fillibustering this Wall Street Reform legislation?
They are working for Wall Street. Their voters see this, and I have yet to see a single one of them even complain about it.


They are not trying to make the bills better. They are trying to weaken them and their SHEEP are right behind them. IDIOTS!Why in the world are Republicans fillibustering this Wall Street Reform legislation?There is no reform in the bill. It gives companies like Goldman Sachs a blank check from the govt. anytime they need it. PLUS is gives the president power to shut down banks/businesses as he sees fit which is MARXISM.

We know that many of the Republicans aren't on our side. That is why we are infiltrating the republican party. Examples include Mark Rubio, JD Hayworth as republican nominee over McCain, Col. Allen West, etc.
I guess you are unaware of the various exemptions given to many of the larger financial institutions who also happen to be Obama contributors.

Please explain to me how that is reform. If this passes as is we will be in a bigger mess than we are now.

Thank God the republicans are standing against this

ADD: You libs are complete fools to believe that republicans are buying into wall street and dems hands are clean. Do you realize how ridiculous that is? Please open your eyes before it is too late.Why in the world are Republicans fillibustering this Wall Street Reform legislation?They think choosing the side of Wall Street will get them more lobby campaign donations. When Tea Parties figure out Republicans aren't really on their side, there will be a backlash.Why in the world are Republicans fillibustering this Wall Street Reform legislation?
They don't want Democrats to earn any votes in November. Republicans don't give a hoot about the American people, they just want to be in power.
They are reflexively chanting "no", which is all their trainers have allowed.Why in the world are Republicans fillibustering this Wall Street Reform legislation?
B/c its not reform. Its corporatism and all it does is give established Wall St. banks a quasi-monopoly and prevent smaller banks from competing with them. It also gives the Federal Reserve more power when it should actually be getting audited so we can find out just how much money they've passed out to Wall St. banks and foreign central banks in backroom deals at the taxpayers expense.
Because they have no better ideas and nothing better to do but waste our countries time and money. Plus, they probably have been benefiting from our current corrupted and ungoverned system and don't want to see their pockets lighten.
Why is it outrageous?

If we look at the track record of Obama and this Democrat congress we see that everything they do harms the American people. Is there any reason to believe that this time would be any different?
They are merely serving their Masters...can't really blame them too much, they all want to keep their Elite jobs and they all want to continue to serve Wall Street so that they may keep their trophy wives happy living the lavish lifestyle they believe is their right as Aristocrats to have.
Because it gives waaaay too much power to the Government.
Because it really does nothing to change anything or help anything. Just like the so called "health reform," that today the sister of my godmother who was supposed to have a biopsy on her breast to see if a mass was cancer, found out her Health Insurance dropped her was that new bill supposed to stop this i can not remember. Because pretty much every bill coming from this Congress and Leaders, are pretty much pointless.
Outrageous? Outrageous is the fact that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are not included in this bill. That's outrageous and one huge reason the republicans are filibustering as you put it. Also, earmarks and wording that could lead to future bailouts for institutions deemed too big to fail. The bill is outrageous, doesn't speak to what is good for the citizens of this great country, and is threatened to again be pushed down the throats of Americans.
Because it is bad legislation that gives way too much power to the executive branch, and rather than ending too big to fail as Obama claims, it ensures continuation of the policy. Additionally the legislation does nothing about Fannie and Freddie which are truly at the root of the sub prime mortgage melt down. Finally there is bad language concerning derivatives which makes illegal very necessary transactions. Even Obama supporter Warren Buffet came out in opposition to the legislation.

The opposition is only outrageous if you buy the Democratic and media spin that Democrats just want to protect regular people from evil Wall Street while Republicans want to protect fat cat, criminal bankers. Don't believe anything Barack Obama says. He is a stone cold liar. Everything he says is motivated by politics. He's a shameless despicable man, and certainly not the new kind of politician he ran as. He's only new in that he is more corrupt and dishonest than most politicians, and that's saying a lot.
Because - and only because - President Obama is proposing it.
I agree. The bill forces banks that are too big to fail to pay into a fund that will dismantle them when they do fail. That is not a bailout fund. It works in a similar fashion to the FDIC that covers only banks with just plain old deposits. Also, the bill would force derivatives onto exchanges. That is good, effective regulation. It makes economic sense. It will create more transparency. It is a pro-free market move.

Republicans are filibustering to weaken a good bill to help those on Wall Street.


Some people on this site believe Fannie and Freddie were the cause of economic crisis. There were not. They were not innocent but if they and CRA had never existed the crisis would still have occurred. The crisis started with the collapse of Lehman Brothers. If the pending reform bill had been in placed, the crisis would have been averted or made less severe.
I'll keep it simple so people like mo can understand. As far as the Republicans go it called "don't bite the hand that feeds you."
NO Surprise REPUBLICANS are always trying to obstruct or delay.The worse financial crisis, bailouts, high unemployment ,and their still playing games.If they thought this would be similar to the Health Care debate their wrong . People are angry with banks and Wall Street.This can work against them.I hope it does.
They'll get on board eventually. They want reform, they just want to show that they have some control over what that reform is

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