Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Why did Sen Clinton miss the Tuesday vote in the Senate on the FISA legislation?

Did she think that it was not an important enough issue to be worthy of her great attention?

And what do you think of Obama opposing the exemption of liability for entities who aid the gov't in monitoring suspected terrorists? Who side is Obama on, ours or the terrorist? Do his actions make you wonder?Why did Sen Clinton miss the Tuesday vote in the Senate on the FISA legislation?Well Obama was able to make it in to cast his votes

Maybe Hill thought she could make up some lost ground on Obama

Or maybe Hillary is having a hard time keeping up with the pace

She needed to take a breather

After all campaigning is certainly more important than representing your constituents interest in the Senate which she was parachuted (er elected) to!Why did Sen Clinton miss the Tuesday vote in the Senate on the FISA legislation?"Who side is Obama on, ours or the terrorist? Do his actions make you wonder?"

Give me a break. Obama isn't supporting terrorists. That is another moronic attempt at scaring Americans. They usual Right Winged BS and the cowards all fall for it. Grow a set will ya?Why did Sen Clinton miss the Tuesday vote in the Senate on the FISA legislation?those in power ARE the terrorists. republican or democrat.Why did Sen Clinton miss the Tuesday vote in the Senate on the FISA legislation?
Because she doesn't care.

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