Saturday, February 18, 2012

Legislation of marijuana and alcohol: How do lawmakers decide?

which forms of self anesthetization drugs are legalized?

I never thought I would be asking this question here, but the question never seems to go away. What is your opinion?Legislation of marijuana and alcohol: How do lawmakers decide?May I offer the following as food for thought.

As a police officer, I see more issues involved with the usage of these two elements

than most civilians do in a life time. My uniformed officers deal with the front line issues

involved in the usage of both, I could list statistics till the cows come home, on how much

of a negative effect these two elements have on our society, Most Domestic assaults are

caused by alcohol or drugs. Either one or the other household member becomes a victim.

Domestic violence is a train wreck looking to occur when either party is involved with the above.

25% of the Homicides I handle are alcohol or direct drug usage involved.

40% of the Armed Robbery's in my jurisdiction are related to drugs or alcohol usage.

These are social issues that are trying to be handled criminally and through legislation. Both

are failing miserably. Interdiction. Rehabilitation. Treatment. Are the keys to success of lessening

these problems.

Until we come to a meeting of the minds on how best to deal with the above problems, I will

be looking at increased statistics. Thanks for asking, Just a thought.Legislation of marijuana and alcohol: How do lawmakers decide?This subject tends to be controversial for any number of reasons.

Substance abuse takes many forms, and not all the substances are illegal or even regulated. One can argue against any substance that can be abused based on its potential for abuse. One can argue in favor of them as being beneficial if not abused.

I liked the first answer to this question from the police officer, because he deals with the specific problems abuse of these two substances (and other illegal drugs besides marijuana) cause. Note I said abuse. That can be extended to include trafficking issues.

The majority of people who use alcohol do so responsibly and in moderation. Those who abuse it cause any number of problems and not everyone who abuses it abuses it all the time. Responsible alcohol use means keeping it under control and not driving if enough has been consumed to impair. Alcoholism is a condition that affects a comparatively small percentage of alcohol consumers. It is a complex issue. I believe alcohol should be legal and its use regulated. I favor a legal drinking age of 21 and that driving while intoxicated should be punished at least as severely as it is now, but much more consistently. It should be noted that past attempts to prohibit sale and use of alcoholic beverages resulted in very high profits for organized crime. Also, some doctors say a moderate consumption of alcohol can have positive health benefits.

Marijuana is a bit more complex. While it has been argued that its effects are less damaging than those of alcohol, as an illegal substance there is little or no quality control. At a time when this society is trying to limit or eliminate tobacco use it makes little sense to increase the access and acceptability of a drug that must be smoked to have whatever effects it is going to have. It would seem to me that the active ingredient--if found to have a beneficial medical effect--should be legal if it can be produced in a different form such as a pill or liquid and if its quality and effect can be regulated. It should also be noted that as an illegal drug, marijuana is far more profitable than it would be if it were legal and regulated.

I've never used marijuana. I have used alcohol and have on occasion abused it.

Under no circumstances, regardless of what legal status these drugs are given, should socially harmful abuse or illegal trafficking be allowed or encouraged.

It seems to me that our society should be trying to find out what social inducements exist that result in any drug being abused. The culprit might well be not the drug, but the social environment that leads to its abuse. If we can find ways to make smoking less acceptable and less practiced we should be able to find ways to halt abuse of drugs, illegal, legal, or regulated.

Long answer, and I hope it makes sense.Legislation of marijuana and alcohol: How do lawmakers decide?Do you live in a dry county?

Be sure here you can wash your car with Chablis in Burgundy only the description care will make you drunk!don't smell the screen

there is a difference between alcololic beverages and Marijuana we call this **** Haschich muslim word

translation murderer.

I have seen what plan Ron Paul to shortsocket traffics:free markett!

About drugattic a prescription would be a better solution to limit to control .Legislation of marijuana and alcohol: How do lawmakers decide?
Alcohol is taxed about 100%.

MJ isn't that is how they decide:


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