Saturday, February 18, 2012

Has obama ever worked with the republicans on any legislation?

How can he untie the country if he won't work with the GOP?Has obama ever worked with the republicans on any legislation?HE"S NEVER WORKED, AT ALL!!!!

Look at his voting record!!! He's just another "welfare bum", collecting a "check" for doing NOTHING!!!!Has obama ever worked with the republicans on any legislation?
He worked with John McCain, and George Bush on immigration reform. Obama did try to get them to not give blanket amnesty to all illegal aliens but in the end he compromised and agreed with their position to get the legislation passed. If they had agreed to his compromise they might have gotten it passed.

He reached across the aisle even before he had a national office giving speeches trying to help John McCain get support in Illinois for his rejection of the Bush tax cuts both times. He was in the Illinois legislature at the time where he frequently crossed party lines, but everybody does in Illinois politics.

Of course, the fact of the matter is that only McCain would need to work across the aisle. Obama will enjoy a majority in both houses of congress. In fact, Democrats should consider throwing the election. If Sidney the third is elected Democratic gains in the off year election will give them a veto proof majority. The only thing that makes me against that is McCain starting wars all over the world.Has obama ever worked with the republicans on any legislation?His legislation is often proposed with Republican co-sponsorship, which brings me to another point: he is bipartisan in a good way. According to me, bad bipartisanship is the kind practiced by Joe Lieberman. Bad bipartisans are so eager to establish credentials for moderation and reasonableness that they go out of their way to criticize their (supposed) ideological allies and praise their (supposed) opponents. They also compromise on principle, and when their opponents don't reciprocate, they compromise some more, until over time their positions become indistinguishable from those on the other side.

This isn't what Obama does. Obama tries to find people, both Democrats and Republicans, who actually care about a particular issue enough to try to get the policy right, and then he works with them. This does not involve compromising on principle. It does, however, involve preferring getting legislation passed to having a spectacular battle. (This is especially true when one is in the minority party, especially in this Senate: the chances that Obama's bills will actually become law increase dramatically when he has Republican co-sponsors.)

"By most accounts, Obama and Lugar's working relationship began with nukes. On the campaign trail in 2004, Obama spoke passionately about the dangers of loose nukes and the legacy of the Nunn-Lugar nonproliferation program, a framework created by a 1991 law to provide the former Soviet republics assistance in securing and deactivating nuclear weapons. Lugar took note, as “nonproliferation” is about as common a campaign sound-bite for aspiring senators as “exchange-rate policy” or “export-import bank oversight.”"

Those are some of the wonkier things he's done. (There are others: introducing legislation to make it illegal for tax preparers to sell personal information, for instance, and legislation on chemical plant security and lead paint.) He has done other things that are more high-profile, including:

His "health care for hybrids" bill

An Energy Security Bill

Various bills on relief for Hurricane Katrina, including aid for kids and a ban on no-bid contracts by FEMA

A public database of all federal spending and contracts

Trying to raise CAFE standards

Veterans' health care

Making certain kinds of voter intimidation illegal

A lobbying reform bill (with Tom Coburn), which would do all sorts of good things, notably including one of my perennial favorites, requiring that bills be made available to members of Congress at least 72 hours before they have to vote on them.

And a proposal to revamp ethics oversight, replacing the present ethics Committee with a bipartisan commission of retired judges and members of Congress, and allowing any citizen to report ethics violations. This would have fixed one of the huge problems with the present system, namely: that the members have to police themselves.

He has a decent record of getting his proposals enacted.
Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act"

"Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act", which passed the Senate in May 2006, but failed to gain majority support in the

House of Representatives.

"Iraq War De-Escalation Act of 2007," a bill to cap troop levels in Iraq, begin phased redeployment, and remove all combat brigades from Iraq before April 2008.

A provision from the Obama–Hagel bill was passed by Congress in December 2007 as an amendment to the State-Foreign Operations appropriations bill.

State Children's Health Insurance Program providing one year of job protection for family members caring for soldiers with combat-related injuries.

Lugar-Obama Nuclear Proliferation BillHas obama ever worked with the republicans on any legislation?Well, first of all, I would prefer that he UNITE the country, not UNTIE it.

But here is a small piece of the information you're looking for:

In the Illinois State Senate, he worked with both Democrats and Republicans to help working families get ahead by creating programs like the state Earned Income Tax Credit, which in three years provided over $100 million in tax cuts to families across the state. He also pushed through an expansion of early childhood education, and after a number of inmates on death row were found innocent, Senator Obama worked with law enforcement officials to require the videotaping of interrogations and confessions in all capital cases.

In the U.S. Senate, he has focused on tackling the challenges of a globalized, 21st century world with fresh thinking and a politics that no longer settles for the lowest common denominator. His first law was passed with Republican Tom Coburn, a measure to rebuild trust in government by allowing every American to go online and see how and where every dime of their tax dollars is spent. He has also been the lead voice in championing ethics reform that would root out Jack Abramoff-style corruption in Congress.

As a member of the Veterans' Affairs Committee, Senator Obama has fought to help Illinois veterans get the disability pay they were promised, while working to prepare the VA for the return of the thousands of veterans who will need care after Iraq and Afghanistan. Recognizing the terrorist threat posed by weapons of mass destruction, he traveled to Russia with Republican Dick Lugar to begin a new generation of non-proliferation efforts designed to find and secure deadly weapons around the world. And knowing the threat we face to our economy and our security from America's addiction to oil, he's working to bring auto companies, unions, farmers, businesses and politicians of both parties together to promote the greater use of alternative fuels and higher fuel standards in our cars.Has obama ever worked with the republicans on any legislation?
He worked with Dick Lugar on Nuclear non-proliferation. He also passed bipartisan legislation that expanded health care coverage to 154,000 Residents in Illinois. He also passed the healthcare justice act with a republican co-sponsor.
His very 1st vote with the GOP winners was this week when he said he will vote ( reluctantly he admits) with the GOP to approve the surveillance bill. Of course he has to say that or be labeled soft on terror.

Still, saying he'll vote aye is not the same as doing it.Has obama ever worked with the republicans on any legislation?
No he hasn't.

McCain has many many times worked with the Dem's, even at the risk of being ostracized by his own party, which he was many times.

Obama is all talk, talk is cheap, actions speak louder than words, ie McCain
Sure he did. and thats an understatement. matter of fact

he worked with them right up to the vote, Then turned his

back on them. left them twisting in the wind, And either

voted present or against them. You sure can trust Obama.
he's barely been involved in any legislation period, and considering his far-left Socialist stance, it's unlikely he will do any party uniting
This is where McCain shows that he is a true leader, unlike Obama he has worked with Democrats time and time again to pass workable (not perfect) legislation.
Did he ever work with anyone on any legislation? Or did he ever work on any legislation?
he hasn't even worked long enough with the dems or in Politics never mind working with GOP

he has no credibility
No - there aren't any Muslim republicans for him to agree to work with.
Better question, has he ever worked?
Probably only McCain, oops sorry you said Republican. McCain is a RINO.
he has, look at the facts, not the hype
Yes he has, when he was in Illinois senate

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