Thursday, February 2, 2012

If you had the power to draft government legislation to control drugs, what would you do?

Legalize drugs?

Regulate them?

Maintain the current laws?

Make laws and punishment stricter?If you had the power to draft government legislation to control drugs, what would you do?NO government legislation is almost always better for all issues. The government has a tremendous ability to mess just about everything up. Legalizing drugs and then taking the federal government completely out of the picture will put the drug war to an end (although I do agree that there should be age limits, just as there are for alcohol). Remember prohibition - it created the mobs - it created crime. The current drug war today is no different.If you had the power to draft government legislation to control drugs, what would you do?
I would find some way to regulate them. Certain drugs, although it kills me to say, I think should be legalized. I'm not so sure about the other hardcore drugs though

The reason to my stance on this is because by simply putting them all in the group as "illegal" we're basically putting them all in the dark and letting the Mexican and other foreign drug lords smuggle them in. Not to mention the hundreds of deaths and danger surrounding this scenario. We cant simply say, "hey we dont want to deal with these lets push it aside and call it 'illegal'' because that obviously has not been working.

This is a tough situation and im sort of on the fence of it but the government needs to do something about it, they cannot simply turn there eyes to a different direction any longer. Civilians are dying and while drug lords are prospering and lavishing.If you had the power to draft government legislation to control drugs, what would you do?Can you legislate morality , NO it seems like that is something people learn somewhere besides through government

Seems some countries have the death penalty for drugs, some have stoning for civil (moral) law violations but it seems to have little effect. In fact a hand can be cut off for violating laws of some nations, or a foot or , well the idea is there !

Education is one goal but you cant force people to be educated nor can you force them to use what they do learn.

Why stop at $500 for weed possession , make it $10,000 and or 2 years community service.

Make it $100,000 fine for selling or possession of over X amount. Confiscation of all property owned and time in solitary confinement for 3 years.If you had the power to draft government legislation to control drugs, what would you do?
Thank you so much for your answer. I really like your answer. I will tell my cousin to talk with her son about it. yes they do have problems at home. His father abandon him when he was young.If you had the power to draft government legislation to control drugs, what would you do?Make laws on hardcore drugs harsher but not marijuana. Instead I'd give someone with small amounts of weed a massive fine like $500 dollars and community service.If you had the power to draft government legislation to control drugs, what would you do?
Regulate them , But first I'll take account of "Record Poppy cultivation going on in Afghanistan" and it is done by US allies there ,

So where all poppy and made up Heroin is going.

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