Thursday, February 2, 2012

Can Republicans be expected to pass any legislation when the Senate is controlled by Democrats?

If it's good for the country as a whole, then yes.

If not, what does that tell you about the legislation?

The ideologues in control of the House won't be able to pass their extremist laws. And even though I think the whole 2-party system is a scam, in this case, at least it works a little bit.Can Republicans be expected to pass any legislation when the Senate is controlled by Democrats?Not really. On the other hand, the Democrats in the Senate are in the same boat with the House controlled by the Republicans. Perhaps we won't get bills that must be passed in order to see what is in them anymore. And not having Democrats control both the legislative and executive branches has neutralized the Obama, Reid, Pelosi 3-pack of stupidity.Can Republicans be expected to pass any legislation when the Senate is controlled by Democrats?
That's the same as asking:

Can Democrats be expected to pass any legislation when the House is controlled by Republicans?

See what I did there? See how that works?

Deadlocked is what congress will be like till the elections.

This all or nothing approach that the Republicans are taking to pus their agenda is gridlocking the things that matter most: The economy and jobs!Can Republicans be expected to pass any legislation when the Senate is controlled by Democrats?Legislation aimed at destroying the government and thus the country is NOT the will of the people.

Their extreme ideology goes against what the majority of US citizens actually want.

If they created legislation that actually does something good for US citizens, they might have a chance of passing it.
No. The only thing they can pass is more spending bills, democrats likes spending bills. They also like bills that raises taxes. They really love bills that do both. Its how we got in the mess we're in.Can Republicans be expected to pass any legislation when the Senate is controlled by Democrats?If such legislation comes to the floor that provides goods for the populous of the nation, rather than the selected few; sure!Can Republicans be expected to pass any legislation when the Senate is controlled by Democrats?
they actually seem to do better when they are not in power when it comes to getting legislation passed.
Any House legislation has to be at least palatable to Senate Democrats.Can Republicans be expected to pass any legislation when the Senate is controlled by Democrats?
It isn't the Democrats that are stopping them, it's their illogical legislation.
If it is something the people really want and they want to re elected they will have to make a few concessions.
Only if they come up with something sensible that doesn't screw the middle class.
How about they try passing some that isn't pushing a social conservative agenda?
nope. maybe they can at least slow down the decline of western civilization though.

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