It won't.How long after the Whitehouse Health Care Legislation, will the Supreme Court over turn it as Unconstitutional?If they do it would prove that we have an incompetent president.
Give it up, this rant is becoming awfully old, find something else to bark about.How long after the Whitehouse Health Care Legislation, will the Supreme Court over turn it as Unconstitutional?It doesnt matter what they rule I will not be complying. Government has no right to require its citizens to buy a product. They dont tell us what to do. Its the other way around.How long after the Whitehouse Health Care Legislation, will the Supreme Court over turn it as Unconstitutional?
A year or two.
Ken...individual mandate is not constitutional...
The day after they overturn medicare and social securityHow long after the Whitehouse Health Care Legislation, will the Supreme Court over turn it as Unconstitutional?
Never. It's nice to see you cons admitting defeat though. Sunday is going to be a very black day for you.
Funny because if it was unconstitutional or illegal, why are people talking about it? If you plan to rob a bank, would you go out side and declare "I'M GOING TO ROB THIS BANK WITH THIS GUN, BUT WAIT UNTIL AFTER I HAVE DONE IT TO STOP ME!"?
So many half-assed Constitutional scholars in the republican party these days.
Besides, if it was a given that the Supreme Court would, ahem, over turn the legislation...Why the hell are you guys so worried and crazy about it?
to all who oppose this bill : may the eyes of the little sick children haunt your dreams forever .
A bigger waste is the money and time spent on taking these cases to the Supreme Court.
Its not a constitutional issue and all the twisting and turning isn't going to make it one.
The Court will refuse to hear any case on that basis, and it will take years to reach that level.
Like I said....a waste of resources.
i could make a list of unconsitutional laws just based off the 2nd admendment, let them get sorted first, i want to carry my war-sytche around outside
In the length of time it takes for the ink to dry on it
number one there is a Obama supreme court justice appointee sitting on the bench in the Supreme Court..and if it is overturned it would come down to one vote..this insuring that this case would be held up for many, many years..never underestimate the power of Bribes...oh!!! i am sorry the power of "support."
Congress writes legislation, not the White House. Not knowing the difference between the legislature and the executive branch means you probably shouldn't be asking constitutional questions.
Look at the "Takings Clause" of the 5th amendment for why it will stand.
That very afternoon, I hope.
15 to 20 years if ever and only after billions of tax dollars have been wasted fighting what the majority of American people want.
Absolutely not. There is nothing unconstitutional about it.
This is a step in the right direction for this country. The Republican Party is simply lying about it.
Bert - Social Security is an individual mandate. Payroll taxes are not optional, nor is self-employment tax.
Open letter to Members of congress about health care reform :
Dear Members of congress ,
Here are some questions for You :
1 - Why are we the only industrial country on earth to not have health care for all? Look at all of the countries in Europe ,England ,France , Italy ,Germany , Japan , Korea ,Canada,Israel ,Spain , ...... Even dictatorship countries like Cuba ,Iran ......offer health care for their citizens .
Do you think we are smarter than the rest of the world? If you say we can not afford it, then why can we afford $ 700 billions a year or $ 7 trillion in 10 years on military ( spent on bombs %26amp; guns ) ?
What do you expect people around the world to think of us when they see us bringing an injured Dog from Iraq to the United States for treatment ,while we left 50 millions of our own people without medical care ? For sure, they will think We are insane !!!.
Is your heart breaking when you see thousands of people get in line at midnight under cold weather each time they have FREE check up ? How about a woman, who will never have the chance to see a doctor in 27 years ?
2 - Do you and your family have health insurance? If Yes, then why not 50 millions of your fellow citizens have it ?
3 - How would you feel when any member of your family dies because of having no health insurance ? Think about 45 thousands of your fellow citizens and children dying every year because of the lack of health care .
4 - Children are the future of this country. How can our sick, unhealthy children, and young adults can compete with the Chinese , Japanese , and European children in the future? Our nation will be strong or not depend on their health , why not invest on them for a healthy nation ? .
5 - Millions of people use Emergency rooms as primary care .Thousands of Americans file bankruptcy every year because of health care bills, and at the end we still have to pay for them anyway, so why can't you find the smarter way out?
6 - Why do we spend the most on health care but still have 50 millions without health care with a broken system?
7- why don't You learn anything from housing crisis ? Like housing cost in the past. Health care cost now is sky rocket and many experts predict the next big crisis will be health care so millions of our people will die if health care reform failed.
Businesses %26amp; companies have to pay too much for health care and our products became more expensive, compare to other countries.
Many talent %26amp; skilled people are being wasted because they have to do the job they don't like for health care.
Many inventions %26amp; new ideas never became new business because the system holds people as hostages, and people can not open business because they are afraid of losing their health insurance.
No wonder unemployment is so high because Jobs can not be created.
Once the health care reform pass , many skills %26amp; talents will be discovered, and new businesses will be open with new inventions and new ideas .American products will be exported around the world instead of being imported too much from China, and many jobs will be created .
Super powered, special interests have super voices, but millions of families have no voice. Many commented from the Internet ,media may be posted by special interests, and millions of people may not even have Internet access .
Please forget about politic, It can be half empty %26amp; half full bottle of water story .
Many people that support or oppose, may not tell the full story . Think about the old times all of us believed the earth was flat. Remember back at the time when many of us believed Women should not be allowed to vote?
Not long ago 80 % of people opposed medicare %26amp; social security bill at that time.
After 9/11 80 % of us believed war on Irag was a good idea. Sometimes, special interest controls the story, and tell people the story they want and control the minds of the people, so please forget about politics.
Please stand up and do what is right for the future of our country. I believe if you vote YES on health care reform, history will remember you as hero of our great nation.
Take an action , pass health care reform NOW.
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