Thursday, February 2, 2012

Why are so many congressmen absent from the Congressional meetings that deliberate over new legislation?

Ever watch C-SPAN? It's amazing how empty those rooms are. What is going on?Why are so many congressmen absent from the Congressional meetings that deliberate over new legislation?They have elections looming and money to raise.

Congressional business is unimportant when one is trying to save their job.

Support term limits.Why are so many congressmen absent from the Congressional meetings that deliberate over new legislation?
They are out spending that great TAX money we give them to go on vacation for weeks and not a thing to worry about.Why are so many congressmen absent from the Congressional meetings that deliberate over new legislation?They're too busy running for president to show up.
Another reason you will see a lot of empty seats when you watch C-SPAN is you may be watching a committee meeting. The various committees are not comprised of the entire congress or senate.Why are so many congressmen absent from the Congressional meetings that deliberate over new legislation?cause they don't care, as long as they are getting paid.Why are so many congressmen absent from the Congressional meetings that deliberate over new legislation?
because if they vote, it will be recorded upon their "voting record" in Congress, and every individual in their home state can see exactly how they voted on particular issues.....

Pretty lame, of our "supposed" Representatives huh.......

any one ever notice the answers of one, Lavrenti Beria, below, who bashes Democrats, while acting like a Conservative, when in all actuality, he claims to be staunch Communist...... Would you call that an oxymoron? or a paradox?

If you want to know how your Representatives vote on any issue, go to : : you can type in your zip code, find your Congressional members and see how they vote on issues.Why are so many congressmen absent from the Congressional meetings that deliberate over new legislation?
probably answering questions on Y!
The missing ones have already got their kick back.
Good question, I've thought the same thing, time for new party leaders, I think! I mean new party, like get rid of Reps and Dems!
Because they've already been briefed by their staff.
Did you actually expect libs to WORK??? LOL!

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