Thursday, February 2, 2012

Why do Dems think it good to pass legislation without having a clue what the outcome will be?

First it was Nancy Pelosi with her famous, “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy." Now it's Chris Dodd with, "No one will know until this is actually in place how it works."

Are we represented by a gaggle of morons?Why do Dems think it good to pass legislation without having a clue what the outcome will be?They don't care how much they strangle others' livelihoods because they just exempt themselves. They know their votes are worth billions.

I think they have an idea of the overall damage these bills will cause, but if they say "no one will know until this is actuallyl in place..." they are off the hook when it comes to answering media questions about it. They know gov't run media will provide political cover.

We are represented by the filthiest, greediest congress and administration of all time.Why do Dems think it good to pass legislation without having a clue what the outcome will be?
It's breathtaking, isn't it?Why do Dems think it good to pass legislation without having a clue what the outcome will be?yes, that's some funny crap.
As long as they think it will give them some more of the money earned by working citizens, they are for it.Why do Dems think it good to pass legislation without having a clue what the outcome will be?You're funny. Either that, or you're not thinking clearly. NO ONE KNOWS WHAT THE OUTCOME OF ANYTHING WILL BE IN ADVANCE. People are not psychic. No Democrat, no Republican, no human can accurately predict how an action they take today will turn out tomorrow. Best guesses is all we have.

Moving along to your Pelosi comment, either you are confused or you are purposely not understanding what she was saying. She meant that until we pass the bill, these idiots on the right-wing noise machine will not stop fomenting anger and telling lies so Americans won't be able to see what's really in the bill.Why do Dems think it good to pass legislation without having a clue what the outcome will be?
I am willing to bet these people were not democratically elected and that there was a mass conspiracy to rig the election for Obama.

We need to vote in Republicans so that they can't pass any more crap just incase he should win in the next Presidential election.
well...truthfully FDR, the president who carried this country through the Great Depression and WWII, passed the New Deal acts that helped thousands during the Great Depression with no idea if those New Deal acts would work or not.

u wouldn't call him a moron, now would u?Why do Dems think it good to pass legislation without having a clue what the outcome will be?
Because they believe they're better than everybody else. So, even if you and I have no clue, they have. They know what is best for us...
No, of course not.
The bills make them feel good about themselves and that's all that matters I guess.
When will cons realize that no one has a crystal ball. Bush expanded govt more than any other President and ran up the deficits like never before. We were on the brink of a depression when Obama took over.
I guess their liberal agenda can't pass through the purification of scrutiny, so they try to sneak it by as fast as possible. In response to Pelosi's statement, in the midst of controversy and struggle is where truly great things are made. If I were writing a bill, I would want to whole country watching what I do, so I don't mess something up.
You can't know what will happen, you have smart and qualified people try predict, but that's not knowing that's guessing.

Do republicans know the outcome of everything they do? Do they have pyschic powers?

Because if that were the case we wouldn't have invaded Iraq for nonexistent WOMD. :)
Should we be truly, "represented by a gaggle of morons" then it is because the MAJORITY of the voters voted them in. Since you consider the majority a gaggle of morons then this would make you extremely self centered. Do not be offended by this. A lot of the time I believe the same thing. My opinion is only really important to me and not necessarily to the masses. Thank God opinions can be changed and usually with "no harm done".

Your entire question is a fallacy for the simple reason that there is no single piece of legislation passed where it is known its long term effects or how well it will actually work. Legislation is intended to have immediate or near future impacts and no one can predict the long term to any degree of accuracy. Many times you do not know if the legislation needs to be "tweaked", changed or eliminated until you discover what its actual effects have been. Can you write a piece of legislation to where you know what its long term effects will be or that it will work exactly as you planned for it to?

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